The architectural banality regarding industrial and commercial buildings is evident reality. In many cases it is justified by allegedly economic inefficiency of better workplaces or intentional design in general. Already Henry Ford well known as a thrifty contemporary debunked this serious misjudgement. He coined the motto 'good design pays' which formed the identity of his company. Fordfactories of the 1920th were very cost-effective production plants while simultaneously maintaining a high level of architectural quality.
Due to the present climate of global markets with an unmanageable range of products the degree of a company's notability increasingly gains value. A company's unique selling point and overall appearance is not only defined by the product but also and not least by the factory and its outwards and inwards look and feel. In the 1970th design attitude and communication merged to a strategic concept. It was the birth of corporate identity that more and more involved in companies buildings' designs. Currently a lot of companies recognize the potential of their company's history and try to establish a self-awareness to strengthen the company's identity. Hence guiding principles for the design concepts can be developed to support a positive overall appearance.
Thus the building becomes a built memo value and binds customers, employees and suppliers likewise. It provides excellent possibilities in terms of advertisement and allows conclusions regarding social and cultural accountabilities. The factory becomes the symbol of its own products. Its branding stands for pictures and codes that are understood globally.