Energy occurs in the manifestation of mechanical energy, electrical energy, thermal energy, magnetic energy and nuclear energy. Energy is never consumed but only transformed from one manifestation to another. Since the available energy reserves like coal, oil and natural gas are finite, renewable resources like solar energy, hydropower, wind energy and tidal energy have to be used increasingly.
The energy demand of our economy is divided into one third each for heating, traffic and industrial & commerce. According to this a tremendous potential for energy savings in all those domains is available when designing industrial projects. By this energy consumption becomes a parameter piercing all levels of design. Smart building concepts for site selection, general building plan and building structure especially are represented by a sensible orientation to the main directions of wind and sun. Building structures and services also offer a variety of possibilities for energy optimization due to integrated climate and engineering concepts. In the course of this it is effective to reduce the energy consumption produced by traffic and to link the released energy of production processes with the building services.
Consequently, rooms or spaces don’t need to be heated, cooled or artificial ventilated and lighted more than necessary. For this purpose the buildings envelope and the installed building services have to be designed to minimize energy consumption, environmental pollution and operating costs, bearing the operationally necessary usage in mind.