The term ‘ecology‘ descend from the two greek words ‘oikos‘ (house) and ‘logos’(reason). Its original meaning is the science of natures household. Real ecological balance is defined as undisturbed ecosystem.
Related to the construction sector it quickly becomes apparent that the term ‘building ecology’ is a contradiction in terms. Building anything is always an interference with nature, but it doesn’t have to be environmental destruction. Ecological awareness is possible by highly efficient fabrication and operation as well as the reduction of build environment within the framework of the ecosystem. The field of factory buildings offers various potentials for ecological approaches like conservation of resources and waste avoidance.
When it comes to extensive urban development projects like new business parks, design strategies should connect green areas with forests and create emission protection against air and noise pollution to preserve species-rich habitats. Launching the process of a certified life cycle assessment following the EG-environmental audit, chambers of industry and commerce have laid down the tracks for a more conscious handling of ecological aspects in regards to the operation of factories. In early stages of the planning process all affected aspects as air, soil, water, spaces, support structures, facades and roofs should be treated equal. It is vitally important that prior to the planning process, the architect and the factory planner define which of those aspects will play a predominant role. This requires the integration of all participants as soon as possible.